Terms and Conditions

Applications are invited for the following two classes of membership:

(a)  Primary members

(b)  Affiliate members

Note: Each establishment / unit would be considered as a separate member and have to obtain separate registration / membership.

(a) Primary Members:

Any proprietorship concern / partnership firm / establishment or company having an establishment or place of business in Rajasthan and is one of the following, shall be eligible for membership, as a primary member of the Society.

 Tour Operator approved by the Ministry / Department of Tourism, Government of India or Government of Rajasthan having Service Tax Registration from Rajasthan, Hotels or restaurants, approved or classified by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India / Rajasthan, Airport operating organisation in the state of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation, Home / House stays registered under Paying Guest Regulation of Government of India / Government of Rajasthan, Serviced Villas or such other new products approved by Tourism Departments of Government of Rajasthan or India , Any airline [ international or domestic, Heritage Hotels, Havelis & Forts, Ayurveda Centres /SPA Centres [ approved by the Government of India / Rajasthan, Camp Safaries, camps to farm houses – Operators organising such adventure tourism related activities duly approved by Department of Tourism, Government of India / Rajasthan, Hot air-balloon / Vintage car Operators ,Institutes for hospitality/tourism/travel studies offering courses approved by Government of India or Rajasthan/AICTE., Departments of Government of India engaged in tourism related activities within Rajasthan, Departments of Government of Rajasthan engaged in tourism related activities ,Exhibition Centres, convention Centres, Any establishment not covered under any of the above related activity, which is engaged directly in any tourism in the opinion of the Management Committee would be admitted as a primary member.

Primary members shall be those proprietorship, partnership firms, establishments or companies who are admitted and registered as a member in accordance with these Rules. Each organisation would be represented by only one person thus each organisation / member would have only one vote.

(b) Affiliate Member:

Any Institution, business, firm, company or society, not falling under any of the categories mentioned above of the Primary members and who is supplementing tourism activities and has an establishment in Rajasthan or in any other State or Union Territory of India shall be eligible to be an affiliate member.

The affiliate member shall have a right to participate in all activities but shall have no right to vote.

3. Entrance Fee & Subscription:

Annual subscription which has to be paid on or before the 31st May of each year i.e April to March.

One Time Entrance fees for all categories of memberships : Rs. 5,000/-

Annual fees for Primary Members : Rs.5,000/-

Annual fees for Affiliate Members : Rs. 4,000/-

4. Admission of Member:

An application for membership shall be made in the prescribed form duly recommended by two founder or primary members of the Federation to the Secretary of the Federation who shall submit the same for the consideration of the Managing Committee at its next meeting. The Managing Committee shall have absolute power and discretion to accept or reject any application without being bound to give any reason and the decision of the Managing Committee shall be final.

5. Enrolment of members:

Members can only be enrolled in the name of the concern, firm, establishment or company under which they carry on their business and shall for all purposes of the Federation shall be represented by the person nominated as their representative in their application for membership or subsequent renewal application. Such nominee shall be entitled to exercise all or any of the rights and privileges of membership as regards attendance and voting at meetings, if eligible, and would be as effective as the member represented by him/her.

6. Term:

The membership of any member shall cease/be terminated in the following circumstances:-

(a)  On resignation by a letter addressed to the Secretary

(b)  On the failure to pay the annual subscription within a period of 3 months after it has fallen

due for payment; provided however that the Managing Committee shall before

terminating his membership give 10 days notice in writing to the member.

(c)  On being adjudicated insolvent or having suspended payment or compounded with his

creditors or ordered to be wound up by a competent court

(d)  On being found guilty by a competent court or tribunal of an offence involving, in the opinion of the Managing Committee, moral turpitude or gross misconduct.

7. Exclusion and suspension of member:

Articles of Association or the bye laws of the Federation shall apply. Can be viewed on site

8. Rights and Privileges of Primary Member:

The rights and privileges of members shall include:

(a) To vote, if present, at a General Meeting of members, b) To receive notice of all the annual and extraordinary general meetings, c)To oppose or second an applicant for membership, d) To serve as an office bearer or Managing Committee Member of the Federation, e)To make representations to the Managing Committee regarding any business or trade issues that affects the travel and the tourism industry.

9. Rights and Privileges of an Affiliate Member:

The rights and privileges of members shall include:

(a) To receive notice of all the annual and extraordinary general meetings and to attend the same but shall have no right to vote b ) To make representations to the Managing Committee regarding any business or trade issues that affects the travel and the tourism industry, c ] To participate in all the fairs / events /programmes / seminars / delegations, etc of FHTR and to avail of all the facilities, discount / benefit /advantage if any offered / available to a FHTR member

For Details on MC and election etc please read the MOA at website www.visitrajasthan.org